Novel Biomarkers and Interventions to Optimise Sodium Consumption Patterns, Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Risk Factors

High blood pressure accounts for about 25-35% of the cause of CVD. Salt intake is a key determinant

of blood pressure (BP), therefore salt has emerged as an important target for population based interventions. BP undergoes changes throughout the day as a result of circadian rhythm, and consequently, BP is normally lower at night. Inadequate lowering of BP at night (known as “non-dipping”) strongly predicts CVD risk. It is of interest how patterns of diurnal intake of food and nutrients might impact BP.

This research aims to investigate if diurnal variations in sodium intake impact nocturnal non-dipping status.

Ciara Goland

Ciara graduated from Ulster University with a degree in Human Nutrition in 2019 and is registered Associate Nutritionist (ANutr) . Supervisors: Dr Geraldine Cuskelly and Dr Patricia Heavey.