The project aims to identify the methods used to monitor a variety of speed qualities in Ladies Gaelic football players, produce normative values for speed performance in elite and sub-elite players, assess seasonal changes in speed in elite players, and identify the match-play demands elite competition. The project aims to identify the methods used to monitor a variety of speed qualities in Ladies Gaelic football players, produce normative values for speed performance in elite and sub-elite players, assess seasonal changes in speed in elite players, and identify the match-play demands elite competition. The project aims to provide coaches with information that allows them to conduct speed monitoring in an accurate and reliable manner, produce normative values by playing position in elite and sub-elite players to allow for comparison to other players, teams, and sports, and to inform coaches of inter-county match-play demands so they can prepare their players adequately for competition.
Eddie holds an honours degree in Athletic Therapy & Training, graduating from Dublin City University in 2020. Eddie is also a practising athletic therapist and strength & conditioning coach in Gaelic Games. Supervisors: Dr Robin Healy, Dr Kris Beattie, Dr Mark Lyons, Dr Aoife Lane, and Dr Clement Higginbotham.